Facebook macht 360-Grad-Videos mobil.

Facebook fb-logo-neuRundumblick: Facebook unterstützt jetzt auch in der Mobil-Version 360-Grad-Videos. Mark Zuckerberg postet als Beispiel eine Aufnahme von ABC News von einer Parade in Nordkorea. Wo Nutzer am Desktop mit der Maus den Kamera-Winkel verändern müssen, genügen auf dem Smartphone Neigungen nach links, rechts, oben oder unten.
facebook.com (mit 1-Min-Video)

We just started launching 360 video on mobile.360 video is a completely new experience because you can move the camera around. This opens new ways of sharing experiences and makes you feel like you're part of what you're watching. It's a step towards even more immersive experiences.This video was shot in North Korea by ABC News -- and panning around lets you experience the kind of thing most people will never see in their lives.We think people will share a lot more 360 content in the future, especially as technology makes it easier to record it themselves. We're excited you can discover them on Facebook.

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Donnerstag, 12. November 2015

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